
Apostrophes Explained

Apostrophes Explained

Sometimes apostrophes can belong to more than one thing, but we actually put the apostrophe BEFORE the s.

These are words that can’t be made into a plural word just by adding ‘s’. (plural meaning more than one). For example, we don’t say, “Look at all those mans over there”. We say, “Look at all those men over there”.

The same way we wouldn’t say, “The shop is over there just next to those womans.”

Therefore we treat these terms as singular. Remember in level 1 apostrophes we learned that if there is only one of something we put the apostrophe before the s.

Have a look at the examples below.

The men’s changing room. The changing room belongs to many men. As men is treated like a singular term we put the apostrophe before the s.

The mice’s squeak could be heard through the floorboard.